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Lower Back Pain from Golf Swing: Causes and Solutions

Lower Back Pain from Golf Swing: Causes and Solutions


Are experiencing lower back pain from golf after each swing? You’re not alone. Golf is a beloved sport by many, but it’s also known for causing lower back pain in players. The repetitive and powerful movements involved in the golf swing can take a toll on the lower back, leading to discomfort and even injury. In this article, we’ll delve into the causes of lower back pain from the golf swing, common symptoms to watch out for, and most importantly, effective solutions for both treating and preventing this issue.

The golf swing is a complex and dynamic movement that requires a combination of strength, flexibility, and precision. As a result, many golfers experience lower back pain, ranging from mild discomfort to debilitating injuries. Factors such as biomechanics, equipment, and technique play a significant role in the development of lower back pain for golfers.

Understanding the root causes and symptoms of lower back pain from the golf swing is crucial for finding effective solutions. Whether you’re currently experiencing discomfort or aiming to prevent future issues, this article will provide valuable insights and actionable tips to help you enjoy golf without the burden of lower back pain.

The Connection Between Golf Swing and Lower Back

Lower back pain is a common complaint among golfers, with the golf swing often implicated as a contributing factor. The modern swing technique, designed for maximum power and efficiency, involves a rapid rotational motion of the lumbar spine which can place significant stress on the back. The lumbar spine, composed of vertebrae and critical facet joints, is vulnerable to the intense torque created during the swing. This can lead to a range of golf-related injuries including disc herniation and facet joint pain.

Proper swing mechanics are crucial for reducing the risk of injury. A golfer’s body weight shifting, along with the controlled distribution of forces, can minimize undue strain on the lower back. Additionally, maintaining a sufficient range of motion through hip mobility exercises can alleviate the stress on the lumbar region. Physical therapists often emphasize the importance of strengthening core and thoracic spine muscles to support a healthy golf swing. Unfortunately, amateur golfers sometimes develop poor practice swings and common swing characteristics that can increase the likelihood of experiencing severe pain.

For avid and right-handed golfers alike, being mindful of physical limitations, such as tight hip flexors or a restricted range of motion, is essential. Regular physical therapy sessions can help identify and address these risk factors, steering players away from common golf injuries and towards a pain-free game.

Is lower back pain from golf swings common for golfers?

Is lower back pain from golf swings common for golfers?

Yes, lower back pain from golf swings is a common issue for golfers. The stress placed on the lumbar spine during the golf swing, especially with the powerful rotational motion required for a better golf swing, makes it a frequent site of injury. Golf swings often lead to disc herniation and facet joint pain due to the high torque. Poor swing mechanics and inadequate body weight distribution during the swing can exacerbate the risk of injury. Additionally, limitations such as tight hip flexors and a lack of hip mobility can increase the strain on the lower back.

Golfers must pay attention to their swing technique and physical fitness to reduce the chance of experiencing golf lower back pain:

  • Strengthen core and thoracic spine muscles
  • Enhance hip mobility
  • Work with a physical therapist
  • Improve swing mechanics
  • Address physical limitations

By following these guidelines, golfers can better manage the demands placed on the lumbar spine and reduce the likelihood of lower back pain.

Causes of Lower Back Pain from Golf Swing

Golf is often regarded as a low-impact sport, but that doesn’t exempt players from potential injuries, particularly to the lower back. Factors contributing to lower back pain in golfers can largely be placed into four categories: biomechanical, equipment-related, technique-dependent, and injury-related.

Biomechanical Factors

Biomechanical issues arise from the body’s physical structure and movements during a golf swing. For instance, the lumbar spine endures significant stress due to the swing’s rotational requirements. A common swing characteristic, such as rapid lumbar rotation, can lead to disc herniation. Similarly, the repetitive nature of the swing can strain the facet joints, which are critical in providing flexibility to the spine. Additionally, tight hip flexors and restricted hip mobility can hinder a full range of motion, placing increased pressure on the lower back and elevating the risk of injury.

Equipment Factors

The type of golf club used can also influence the stress on a player’s lower back. Clubs that are not suited to the player’s physical attributes, such as height and arm length, can force them into an unnatural posture, causing increased strain during the swing. Furthermore, heavier clubs or those with inappropriate shaft flex can alter swing mechanics and lead to awkward movements, amplifying the chances of sustaining a golf-related injury.

Technique Factors

Suboptimal swing techniques can exacerbate lower back issues. Poor weight distribution and balance throughout the swing motion are common pitfalls for many golfers. An amateur golfer may unknowingly sustain a posture that promotes undue stress on the lumbar spine. Even avid golfers with significant experience might have subtle flaws in their swing technique that increase the likelihood of tormenting lower back pain. Regular practice swings with conscious technique adjustment can greatly reduce the chances of injury.


Typical golf injuries contributing to lower back pain encompass a range of conditions. Lumbar spine disc herniation is a serious injury frequently linked to the golf swing. Meanwhile, amateur and professional golfers alike can suffer from muscle strains, often resulting from overuse or swinging with excessive force. Repetitive stress injuries and acute trauma are not uncommon and can be particularly debilitating, leading to severe pain and the need for an intervention, such as physical therapy or even surgery.

Addressing these factors proactively is key. Golfers should consider regular assessments from a physical therapist, focus on proper swing mechanics to promote a healthy range of motion and use equipment that respects their physical limitations. These steps help ensure that enjoyment of the game is not compromised by the common complaint of lower back pain.

Common Symptoms and Indicators of Lower Back Pain From Golf Swing

Golfers experiencing lower back pain often report a variety of symptoms directly connected to their golf swing. It’s crucial to recognize these indicators early to prevent further injury.

Dull, aching soreness often indicates muscle strain or overuse, a common issue for many active individuals. Sharp, localized pain could be a sign of disc herniation or an acute muscle strain, pointing to more serious conditions that may require immediate attention. Stiffness after playing might suggest a chronic injury or the result of an inadequate warm-up routine, highlighting the importance of proper preparation before physical activities.

Pain experienced while twisting is typically associated with facet joint strain or broader lumbar spine issues, which could affect mobility and overall spinal health. Lastly, radiating pain is frequently a symptom of nerve irritation or damage, potentially stemming from various spinal issues.

Each of these symptoms serves as a potential indicator of underlying health concerns, emphasizing the need for careful attention to bodily signals and possibly professional consultation.

Treatment Solutions when Lower Back Pain from Golf Occurs

Treatment Solutions when Lower Back Pain from Golf Occurs

When lower back pain occurs as a result of golfing, immediate and appropriate treatment can significantly help alleviate pain and speed up recovery. Here are some recommended solutions for treating lower back pain from golf:

Ice and Hot Packs

Ice packs can be particularly effective directly after an injury or the onset of pain. The cold helps to reduce inflammation and numbs sore tissues, bringing immediate relief. For the best results, apply ice within the first 24-48 hours, intermittently for 15-20 minutes at a time.

As the initial swelling subsides, hot packs can then be used to relax the muscles and increase blood flow to the affected area. This can be particularly soothing and beneficial a few days after the pain starts, or for chronic, ongoing discomfort. Always ensure there is a barrier between the skin and the heat or ice source to prevent skin damage.

Rest from Activities

Allowing the back to rest can help to avoid further aggravation of the injury. Reducing golf activities or taking a short break from the sport can be a wise decision when experiencing severe pain. During this period, avoid heavy lifting and any movements that can strain the back further. Proper rest can also allow tissues to heal adequately before returning to the game.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or naproxen can be utilized to help manage pain and reduce inflammation. They can provide short-term relief for mild to moderate pain. However, it’s essential to use these medications as directed and consult with a healthcare professional if the pain persists or worsens, as prolonged use can have side effects.

Solutions for Preventing Lower Back Pain from Golf Swing

Warming up before hitting the greens is a crucial step in preventing lower back pain. This can include dynamic stretches that target the hips, back, and shoulders to prepare your body for the range of motion required in a golf swing. Investing the first 10-15 minutes in practice swings helps increase blood flow to the muscles, potentially reducing the risk of injury. Remember, a well-prepped body performs better and is less prone to common injuries including those to the lumbar spine.

Improve Your Swing Mechanics

Understanding and refining your golf swing mechanics can significantly reduce the stress on your back. Work with a golf instructor or a physical therapist who specializes in sports to ensure your technique is correct. A common swing characteristic that leads to pain is an overemphasis on the rotation of the lumbar spine. Professionals can help you develop a swing that instead leverages the strength of your core muscles and thoracic spine, helping to preserve your lower back.

Golf Swing Modifications

Even slight modifications to your golf swing can dramatically decrease the strain on your lumbar spine. For instance, a wider stance or avoiding excessive trunk rotation can help spare the facet joints. Giving attention to swing tempo and ensuring an even distribution of body weight throughout the swing also reduces the risk factors associated with disc herniation and golf-related lower back pain.

Strengthen Your Core with Exercises

A strong core is the foundation of a powerful and safe golf swing. Core muscle exercises, such as planks, bridges, and rotational movements, improve the stability of the thoracic and lumbar spine. This added strength not only helps with your swing but also lowers the chances of severe pain from golfing. Incorporate a routine of core workouts into your physical activity to see a difference in your game and your back health.

Equipment Considerations

Choose your golf clubs wisely; the wrong equipment can lead to an increased risk of injury. Lightweight clubs with proper grip sizes and those that suit your height and swing style can positively influence your swing mechanics. An amateur golfer should consider custom-fitted clubs, which can help in maintaining a proper posture, minimizing stress on the back, and ensuring easier swings.

If you’re new to golf, don’t try to play like a pro

The ambition to emulate pro golfers can lead to physical limitations being pushed too far. Each individual’s swing characteristics are different, influenced by factors such as hip mobility, flexibility, and core strength. Novice golfers should prioritize learning the basics and gradually increasing the difficulty level, thereby preventing undue strain on the back. Take lessons, practice consciously, and build up your skill level without overextending yourself. This approach helps in avoiding the pitfalls of an ‘avid golfer’ mentality that could lead to severe pain.

Lower Back Pain from Playing Golf? Driven Golf Performance Can Help You

Experiencing lower back pain from playing golf? You’re not alone. This is a common complaint among golfers of all skill levels—especially with the modern swing that puts considerable stress on the back.

Here’s how Driven Golf Performance Therapy can assist:

  • Customized Swing Analysis: We evaluate your swing mechanics to identify common swing characteristics that might increase your risk of injury.
  • Physical Therapy: Our expert physical therapists can develop personalized programs focusing on strengthening core muscles and improving the range of motion of the thoracic spine to alleviate pain.
  • Fitness Training: Specific exercises targeting the lumbar spine can enhance stability, helping to prevent golf-related injuries like disc herniation.
  • Equipment Recommendations: Proper club fitting is crucial. We aid in selecting the right golf club that aligns with your body weight and a swing style to minimize physical limitations and risk of injury.

Remember, pain in golfers can stem from improper posture to lack of hip mobility. Whether you’re an avid golfer or an amateur, Driven Golf Performance provides the expertise to adjust your play, helping to combat and prevent lower back pain. Let us drive your performance with a healthier back.


Lower back pain from the golf swing is a prevalent issue faced by many golfers, from beginners to professionals. The complex and dynamic movements involved in the golf swing, combined with factors such as biomechanics, equipment choices, swing techniques, and potential injuries, can significantly impact the health of the lower back.

However, by understanding the root causes of lower back pain from the golf swing and recognizing the common symptoms and indicators, golfers can take proactive measures to prevent and alleviate this discomfort. The combination of appropriate treatment solutions when pain occurs, and practical prevention strategies to minimize the risk of future injuries, is essential for ensuring a pain-free and enjoyable golfing experience.


Why does my lower back hurt after golf?

Lower back pain after golf is often attributed to the repeated rotational stresses placed on the lumbar spine during the golf swing. Common risk factors for golf-related back pain include poor Swing Mechanics, lack of core strength, limited hip mobility, and a tendency to overuse the back due to physical limitations. Additionally, amateur golfers may be prone to injury if they lack conditioning or use improper equipment, leading to a higher risk of issues like facet joint irritation and disc herniation.

How do I stop my lower back from hurting in my golf swing?

To prevent lower back pain when swinging a golf club, consider the following steps:

  • Perfect Your Swing: Work with a coach to ensure your swing mechanics are efficient and not placing undue stress on your back.
  • Strengthen Core Muscles: Incorporate core strengthening exercises that target both the lumbar and thoracic spine.
  • Increase Hip Mobility: Stretch and strengthen your hip flexors to improve hip mobility, decreasing the load on your lower back.
  • Warm-Up Properly: Engage in dynamic warm-ups and practice swings to prepare your muscles.
  • Use the Right Equipment: Ensure your golf clubs are fitted properly for your body weight and swing style, reducing the need to compensate during your swing.

Should I avoid golf with lower back pain?

If you are experiencing lower back pain, it is crucial to first seek advice from a healthcare provider or a physical therapist to diagnose the cause and severity. While some mild discomfort might not immediately warrant a pause in your golf activities, it’s advisable to avoid actions that exacerbate the issue. Upon medical advice, you may need to take a break from the sport and participate in targeted physical therapy and exercises to regain strength and mobility before returning to golf.

Dr. Joe Terrill
TPI Certified Golf Performance Specialist
Driven Athletic Performance & Physical Therapy
We Help Athletes, Sports Enthusiasts, And Other Active People Stay Fit And Healthy So They Can Keep Doing The Things They Love - And Do It Better.